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Fasching 2023

On February 17, we kicked off our February Break by celebrating Fasching at GISC! We dressed up in costumes, hosted a special assembly, and even had a few dance parties in Preschool and Elementary School. 

Fasching, or Karneval, is the German name for pre-Lenten Carnival celebrations. In cities all over Germany, partygoers don costumes or masks and attend events and parades through town. Learn more about one of Germany's most festive holidays here!
1726 W Berteau Ave, Chicago, IL 60613 | +1-773-857-3000 | info [at] germanschoolchicago.com
German International School Chicago (GISC) is an IB World School that prepares students to become well-rounded, creative, and responsible global citizens. Located in Chicago's Ravenswood neighborhood, GISC provides students with a German-English bilingual education in a supportive and individualized learning environment. GISC graduates are prepared academically and socially to succeed in an increasingly global world. Now enrolling Preschool to 8th Grade.

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